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BRAC Liberia was established in 2008 and is currently operating social development programmes in Agriculture, Food Security and Livelihood, Education, Ultra-Poor Graduation, Youth Empowerment, Health, and Microfinance. We work in 12 out of 15 counties of Liberia to support the underprivileged.

At present, 55 branches have been established in 18 districts of the country.

Social Development

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Financial Inclusion

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reached through COVID-19 awareness raising and infection & prevention control activities in 2020
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of the 750 UPG participants graduated in June, 2021
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of Liberia’s population reached with COVID-19 awareness in 2020
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households visited by Community TB Workers and Programme Assistants in 2020
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Data Reporting Period:
January 2018 to June 2021


Liberia is one of the poorest countries in the world with a population of 4.8 million people and a growth rate of 2.5%. According to the World Food Programme, around 83% of the population live on less than $1.25 a day. The country has been war-torn in two prolonged civil wars. In 2014, it was one of the worst hit countries by the Ebola outbreak, severely impacting the country’s infrastructure and economy, now further deepened by the COVID-19 pandemic. It has some of the highest prevalence rates for malaria and tuberculosis in Africa.

The wars ended in 2003 but destroyed most of the country’s healthcare facilities. Life expectancy in Liberia is much lower than the world average. Communicable diseases are widespread, including tuberculosis, diarrhea, malaria, HIV, and Dengue. Female genital mutilation is widely practiced. Nearly a quarter of children under the age of five are malnourished and few people have access to adequate sanitation facilities.

The education sector in Liberia faces multiple challenges related to rebuilding and recovery from civil war, constrained national finances, poor infrastructure and the Ebola epidemic. Some of these challenges are: huge number of drop-outs, poor learning environment, overage enrollment, and unskilled teachers.

On the other hand, sustainable agricultural production is often left unattended to policies and programmes. Due to inadequate investment in the field, farmlands shrunk, water resources were mismanaged, and food distribution and production suffered. Liberia lacks good quality farm inputs, including mechanised farming methods and equipment, from poor pest management and lack of technology to the limited use of fertilisers and modern-day cultivation methods. Furthermore, due to poor road networks and high transport costs, there is little incentive to produce food beyond subsistence levels.


BRAC Liberia takes a participatory, community-based, and inclusive approach to designing context-specific, impactful programmes. Our interventions in urban, rural, and refugee settings prioritise the equitable participation of all groups, particularly women and youth. We work directly with communities, keeping their voice and their story at the centre of our programmes.




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All people need is the opportunity to realise it.

Our story began in a small village in Bangladesh in 1972. 50 years later, BRAC is the largest NGO in the world with roots and origins in the global south. What began as relief work, deepened and broadened into long-term investment in human potential.




Rosy Choudhury

Country Director

Rasel Mahmud

Manager IT, BRAC Liberia

Contact Us

Office Address

Divine Town, Old Road
Monrovia, Liberia

Contact Number

M: +93(0) 704 074 244

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