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BRAC began working in Sierra Leone in 2008 with its principal activities being the provision of health services, education, agriculture, livestock, and youth empowerment programmes. We are presently operating in the country’s Western area and some parts of the Northern province.

At present, 55 branches have been established in 18 districts of the country.

Social Development

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Financial Inclusion

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people were sensitised on COVID-19 in 2020
0 M
microfinance clients
0 K
farmer-based organisations’ formation supported by AFSL in Q1 2021
people were reached through door-to-door initiatives and SMS messaging.
0 K

Data Reporting Period:
January 2018 to June 2021


Sierra Leone is exposed to a large range of natural and man-made disasters, particularly floods, epidemics, landslides and mudslides, drought, coastal erosion, fires and water sources pollution. According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Sierra Leone is the third most vulnerable country to the effects of climate change.

The maternal mortality rate in Sierra Leone is the highest in the world with 1,360 mothers dying in every 100,000 live births. The mortality rates of neonates, infants, and children under five are also amongst the highest globally at 34, 82, and 111 deaths per 1,000 live births respectively. Maternal deaths account for 36 per cent of all deaths amongst women aged 15-49 years (UNICEF, 2019).

Agriculture, including forestry and fisheries, is the mainstay of its economy, employing over 60% of the labour force mostly at the subsistence level. The country is food insecure, however, and is a net importer of rice. Adolescents and youth face multiple challenges in terms of access to food, schooling, health services, and employment. Adolescent girls’ sexual and reproductive health issues coupled with their economic dependency make them more vulnerable in both urban and rural areas. Moreover, Sierra Leone has one of the lowest rates of financial inclusion on the African continent. Only 1 in 5 adults have access to formal financial services in the country. Financial inclusion is even lower for women and people living in poverty.


BRAC Sierra Leone takes a participatory, community-based, and inclusive approach to designing context-specific, impactful programmes. Our interventions in urban, rural, and refugee settings prioritise the equitable participation of all groups, particularly women and youth. We work directly with communities, keeping their voice and their story at the centre of our programmes.




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All people need is the opportunity to realise it.

Our story began in a small village in Bangladesh in 1972. 50 years later, BRAC is the largest NGO in the world with roots and origins in the global south. What began as relief work, deepened and broadened into long-term investment in human potential.




Mohamed Khalil Koroma

Mohamed Khalil Koroma

Head of Internal Audit
BRAC Sierra Leone

Ahmed Koroma

Ahmed Koroma

Monitoring Manager
BRAC Sierra Leone

Joseph Nabie

Joseph Nabie

Programme Manager, Agriculture, Food Security and Livelihood
BRAC Sierra Leone

Sawida Deen

Head of HR & Training

Juliet S. Musa

Juliet S. Musa

Safeguarding Manager

Bernard Mbithi

Programme Manager
Accelerated Impact for Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AIM)

Contact Us

Office Address

House #4, Lane #4
District 2, Butcher Street
Baharistan, Karte Parwan
Kabul Afghanistan

Contact Number

M: +93(0) 704 074 244

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