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Since our inception in Bangladesh over 50 years ago, we have learned that people living in poverty can be agents of positive change in their own lives. Our experience in understanding poverty and inequality make us uniquely positioned to respond to the diverse challenges that communities in Myanmar face.

BRAC launched operations in Myanmar in 2013. Since then, we have been working on strengthening market linkages, streamlining climate adaptation among small-holder farmers, and enhancing access to financing for those living in hard-to-reach areas.

Social Development

BRAC functions as a solution ecosystem using an integrated model of social development, social enterprise and humanitarian response, in partnership with communities.

BRAC Myanmar prioritises social development by implementing a range of programs meant to enhance the quality of life for individuals, particularly those living in remote, hard-to-reach areas. Key areas of social development include Microfinance, Agriculture, Food Security & Livelihood, Nutrition, Financial and Social Empowerment.

Financial Inclusion

Our mission is to provide inclusive, accessible, and affordable financial services to people living at the bottom of the pyramid. We particularly focus on women living in poverty in rural and hard-to-reach areas, to create self-employment opportunities, build financial resilience, and harness their entrepreneurial spirit by empowering them economically.


accessed our microfinance services
of whom are women
0 %
of our clients are in hard-to-reach areas
0 %
households including 809 persons with disabilities reached in conflict zones

Data updated as of August 2024


The agriculture sector is the primary source of livelihood for many households in rural areas of Myanmar and employs 70% of the labour force. Weak market linkages, climate change, production costs, access to adequate financing, access to quality seed, and insufficient knowledge of good agricultural practices are the challenges farmers face that require support from the government and non-government organisations. The pandemic has created further financial difficulties for farmers this year. Myanmar is vulnerable to natural disasters such as cyclones, storm surges, tsunamis, strong winds, earthquakes and fires. While some parts of the country are exposed to landslides and droughts, heavy rainfall induced flooding is a recurring phenomenon across the country.

The coronavirus outbreak has overwhelmed the healthcare system in the country, with many hospitals empty due to work boycotts by pro-democracy medical staff members. On the other hand, BRAC Myanmar’s financial inclusion project is based in Kayin State, which has been ravaged by civil war for over 60 years, leaving large parts of the population unserved and underserved, resulting in a strong demand for financing to break the poverty cycle.


BRAC in Myanmar takes a participatory, community-based, and inclusive approach to designing context-specific, impactful programmes. Our interventions in urban, rural and conflict-affected zones prioritise the equitable participation of all groups, particularly women. We work directly with communities, keeping their voices at the center of our programmes.






Nay Pyi Taw






West Bago



Made Possible by Our Clients: Financial Inclusion Project | BRAC Myanmar

Win Mar Yee, Zin Mar Cho, and Saw Shwe Maung, all persons with disabilities, are driven by a strong commitment to never giving up. As role models for the project, they inspire other people with disabilities within their communities. Our small business owners have been supported and encouraged to take responsibility for their families.

We believe everyone has potential, no matter the challenge. All people need is the opportunity to realise it.



Ei Ei Phyo Aung

Ei Ei Phyo Aung

Head of IT

Jahirul Islam Moral

Jahirul Islam Moral

Head of Operation

Mal Sawm Zaui

Head of HR

Md Rafiqul Islam

Md Rafiqul Islam

Head of Finance

Md Sazaduzzaman

Md Sazaduzzaman

Managing Director

Poe Thet Ngon

Poe Thet Ngon

Product Manager

Saw Yu Nandar

Safeguarding Manager

Wut Yee Htun

Wut Yee Htun

Communications and Knowledge Management

Zin Mar Hnin

Zin Mar Hnin

Head of Business Development and Impact

Contact Us

Office Address

No (17), Pyi Thar Yar Housing, Street (1), (15) Ward, Yankin Township, Yangon, Myanmar.


Contact Number

T: 01 – 8603578

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