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Impact of Ultra-Poor Graduation Programme in Liberia

The UPG programme has not only protected the households from the livelihood loss due to COVID-19 pandemic, but also helped built up livelihoods of people living in ultra poverty. Poverty likelihood of the treatment group fell from 53 to 35 percent, while for the comparison households this increased from 49 to 92 percent – an […]

Improving Livelihood Using Livestock in Afghanistan

UPG households have successfully utilized the livestock received from the programme to increase employment and income. This income growth has allowed them to improve dietary diversity through the consumption of more home-grown food items. The households, to that, increased their livestock holdings beyond what they received from the programme. Given its effectiveness, this model should […]

Factors Associated with Educational and Career Aspirations of Young Women in Sierra Leone

More then three-quarters of the study respondents aspired to continue their studies up to the university level, and two-thirds aspired to obtain a formal sector job requiring an education. Future programmes and policies could, therefore, help young women and girls to actualise their aspirations, and get the support they need to achieve their goals. Authors: […]

Credit Constraints and Demand for Remedial Education in Tanzania

Households identified at baseline as able to borrow, the cash transfer increased willignes to pay (WTP) by three percent. For those unable to borrow, the cash transfer increases WTP by 27 percent. Credit constraints, seemingly, limit access to educational programmes, and may increase inequality of outcomes. Authors: Konrad Burchardi, Jonathan de Quidt, Selim Gulesci, and […]

Microfinance and Diversification in Uganda

Arrival of microfinance enables women to diversify out of agriculture and into service-based activities such as small-scale trading. This low-level structural change, however, is not transformative in that it does not lead – at least after two years – to significant uplifts in earnings, consumption, savings, investment and overall wealth. Authors: Oriana Bandiera, Robin Burgess, […]

Demonstrating the Impact of Client-centric Microfinance

Based on a two-year data, BRAC’s clients on average appeared more financially resilient during Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic as opposed to the industry benchmark. Their socioeconomic outcomes also remained mainly consistent during 2020 and as opposed to 2019. Finally, more than 90 percent of clients responded they want to continue working with BRAC and 77 […]

Nutrition Promotion and Vegetable Gardening by Youth in Afghanistan

Experimental design on nutrition promotion and vegetable gardening found the intervention scalable and financialy feasible with adressing minor cultural challenges. Young women were found to have two times higher scores in knowledge on the importance of vegetable consumption. Findings further suggested that, if their produce was sold on the market, they could generate substantial earnings. […]

Factors Affecting Early-grade Educational Attainment in South Sudan

Results suggest that most of the students lack the base to begin first grade schooling while modelling its determinants shows strong signs of gender and socioeconomic disparity. To achieve parity and meet the target of quality primary education for all, greater attention needs to be paid towards the inclusion of female students and those from […]

Educational and Career Aspirations of Young Females in Sierra Leone

Initial findins suggest that over three-quarters of young women aspired to continue their studies up to the university level, and two-thirds of them wanted to obtain a formal-sector job requiring an education. Programmes and policies, therefore, might not need to focus on reorienting low aspirations into higher aspirations – instead they could guide these young […]

Enhancing Livelihoods and Life-skills of young Girls in Liberia

If young girls remained active within the ELA clubs, they were 11 percent less likely to report feeling sad, 15 percent more likely to express feeling special, and 11 percent more likely to respond feeling smart as opposed to the former ELA participants. To that, ELA clubs significantly contributed to increasing the agency of young […]

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